This is for the whole enchilada and for $10 MILLION Ava Zinn Credits in the VFTG Jackpot, folks. And this is the nearly worst The X Factor USA finale in years. If Alex & Sierra wins The X Factor USA tomorrow, we will have the VFTG Loss declared two weeks ago reversed to a draw with Sierra Deaton getting the victory and adding Angie Miller from American Idol 12 and Ellona Santiago from The X Factror 3 among non-winners in the VFTG Hall of Fame. Nothing can possibly be historic. So tonight, you need to stop what you’re doing and vote for the entire 2 hours. Get everyone you know to vote. And we’re providing you with some tips on how to vote the most effective way to give us the best shot at a VFTG Victory.
● If you have mobile (Verizon), you should be texting 1to 21523 as much as you can. This is much faster than calling.
● If you don’t have mobile, you can dial 1-855-843-9301.
● If you have a modem in your computer, you should go to DialIdol.com, download the free program, and have it autovote for you for Alex & Sierra for 2 hours. You can then also dial on your cell phone at the same time.
● You also get 50 votes on TheXFactorUSA.com via Facebook, but these votes will be counted after your 2 hour window closes. So vote on Facebook later in the night once you’re done texting and calling. You only get 50 votes, so stop after 50. Calling and texting is unlimited. If you live outside the US, just change your location to be from the US for a few hours and you can vote.
● If you live on the East coast or outside the US, you can also vote during the West coast time zone (10 PM -12 AM PST) if you have an account through Skype. You can also download the Skype app on your smartphone and vote that way. This is how International fans are voting. The X Factor is too stupid to track where votes come from, their system is not that intelligent. International VFTGers can also use MagicJack, NetTalk, and Vonage to vote if you have any of those at home.